3rd/5th Avenue Progress Report – 12/6/2024
Published on 12/08/2024 • Posted in 3rd and 5th Avenues
Dr. Cannon,
3rd Avenue
We have installed the delineation devices at the cycle track openings. We are also asking our Contractor to procure additional devices to ensure we are uniform in our delineation at the alley’s.
Our next step is to have the lane swept, followed by striping and sign installation. Sweeping will occur tomorrow, and we have notified our city forces that the project is ready to be striped and have signs installed.
5th Avenue
The roadway reconstruction activities started this week along with the tree trimming. During the reconstruction of 5th Avenue from Edgemont to Vernon pedestrian access will continue to be restricted.
Per our schedule we anticipate placing asphalt on next Friday Dec. 13, 2024; thereafter, we will flip to the east side of the roadway.
The drainage work on Encanto Blvd at 5th Avenue is completed, we resolved the conflict with the unmarked power line and the catch basin along with the storm drain pipe have been installed. Landscape restoration to be completed.
Thank you
-Edika Zarbroudi, P.E.
C: 602-647-3613
CE III – Construction Manager
City of Phoenix Street Transportation
Design & Construction Division
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