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Holiday Luminaria 2023

December 23, 2023 - December 25, 2023


You know the drill: Thanksgiving has come and gone, Christmas is around the corner, and that means it’s time to build Luminaria in Willo! Our lovely lanterns will be placed from 12/23 to 12/25, Saturday-Monday. Important events and the dates they’ll happen are listed in the table below.


Sign Up To Volunteer NOW thru FRI 12/09 https://bit.ly/2023-luminaria
Pick Up Supplies SAT 12/16 60 W LEWIS AVE
Build Party – All Are Welcome! Between 12/16 & 12/23 TBD by your block captain
Placement SAT 12/23 Your Block
Group Bike Ride SAT 12/23 www.PhoenixSpokesPeople.org
Teardown/Return Supplies TUES 12/26 Teardown on your block, return supplies to 60 W LEWIS AVE


  • Sign Up to Volunteer: https://bit.ly/2023-luminaria 
  • You can sign up to volunteer today! Chris and I are looking for several volunteers to help make Luminaria more fun, efficient, and easy for everyone. We are especially interested in volunteers for Block Captains and volunteers for a position called “Floater.” Back from last year, Floaters will assist Block Captains with whatever they need, can connect Block Captains from different blocks, provide guidance to anyone who needs help (if the Block Captain is unavailable), distribute and/or collect supplies (before and after the event), and distribute flyers for 1-2 blocks.
  • Pick Up Supplies: This is the day everyone will head to our house to pick up lantern supplies. Supply boxes with bags, lights, and instructions will be distributed along with sand.
  • Build Party: Build parties vary significantly from block to block. They can be big or small, but the more builders you have, the merrier! Gather friends and neighbors to help build the lanterns, bring snacks and wine, or go all out and make it a potluck. Ask your block’s captain for their plans for a build party.
  • Placement: On this day, set out the built lanterns for your block. The flyers in the supply box will guide you on how to place the lanterns on your block and along 3rd or 5th Ave. Ask your Block Captain or Floater for guidance if needed.
  • Group Bike Ride: This bike ride usually takes place on the Friday night of Luminaria, but this year, it will take place on Saturday. The delightful folks at Phoenix Spokespeople will organize this event once again. Bicycles, One-Wheels, and scooters are welcome, and this is a family event! Dress up in your ugliest sweater and flashiest Christmas lights for fun!
  • Teardown/Return Supplies: After Christmas, collect the supplies from around your block. Hang on to any UNUSED paper or wax bags and ANY plastic bags, used or not. Ensure the LED tea lights are turned off when you collect them (check the switch on the bottom of the light) and give the supplies back to your block captain for return to our home. Recycle the paper bags; as always, the sand is not returnable, so do with it as you wish.


Volunteers are especially needed for build parties, placement, and teardown. Sometimes, folks can pick up supplies but aren’t able to return them, so having a liaison is very helpful. Many hands make light work – the more volunteers you have at your build party, the faster you can finish construction. Are there new neighbors on your block? Inviting them to a build party is an excellent way to introduce them to Willo’s local culture and make them your new friends. No new faces on the block? No problem – reacquaint yourself with your neighbors over fruitcake (if that’s your thing) and mulled wine. We want to emphasize that Luminaria is about community and camaraderie. Those two things make the event happen!

Cari Payne & Chris Norton, Lewis

For updates – please check The Official Willo Historic Neighborhood Facebook Page