3rd and 5th Avenues

3rd & 5th Avenues Traffic Design Update

The City of Phoenix Streets Transportation Department hosted an online 90% Design Update for the 3rd and 5th Avenue’s improvement project in Willo. Thanks to ...

3rd Ave. Two way Traffic Notice

Beginning November 23, 2021, 3rd Ave. from Washington St. to Roosevelt St. will be changed to two-way traffic with one lane in each direction. Please ...

City of Phoenix letter re: 3rd/5th Project

The City Manager, Ed Zuercher, has responded to President Cannon's letter to the City. You can read it here

[Updated] 3rd/5th Avenue Project

The Phoenix Street Transportation Department recently released an update regarding the 3rd/5th Avenue redesign project, including updates on design, the construction budget, and next steps. ...

3rd/5th survey

Neighbors: Your input is requested on the 3rd and 5th Avenues North Project 60% Survey. You can access the survey here: https://www.phoenix.gov/streets/3rdand5thavenuesnorth. The City of ...

Public meeting notice: 3rd/5th Improvement Project

Location: Virtual (join by computer or phone) Please join us for a virtual public meeting update on the design recommendations for the bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly ...

2020-Willo Streets and Traffic Safety Committee Update

5th Avenue Pedestrian Infrastructure: At the December Willo Board meeting, City of Phoenix Streets Transportation Director Kini Knudson and Traffic Planner/Project Manager Chris Manno gave ...

Public Meeting Notice: 3rd & 5th Avenue’s Improvement Project

As a continuation of the design phase, ongoing community input, and follow up to the November 12, 2019 public meeting, there will be a virtual ...

3rd & 5th Avenue’s Improvement Project

Approximately 150 people attended the virtual public meeting on July 30th that started at 6:00 pm for an update of the design recommendations for the bicycle- ...

2020-City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department Kini Knudson’s update on Vision 3.5

City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department Kini Knudson’s update on Vision 3.5. Click here for more information.